Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Do you know what today is?

Did you know today was "Windy Day"? Teaching elementary school can be challenging as I found out today but with one bright spot as usual. As expected, at some point throughout the day one unsuspecting kid will say something that will just make you laugh. While at recess today a little girl ran up to the fence to greet a teacher and said with the biggest smile "hi today is Windy day". So the teacher looked at her with a gleeful but perplexing expression because there was not an ounce nor sliver of breeze coming from anywhere. Naturally the teacher responded with that hint of uncertainty in her voice and said "Windy Day?". So the little girl quickly fired back....." is Windy Day". The teacher then caught on to what she was trying to say and replied "Do you mean today is Wednesday?". And the little girl replied " is Windy Day". I couldn't help myself but to crack up with laughter. However, as the school day continued I took the opportunity to put this "Windy Day" into perspective as I was having a challenging day with my students.
As a child of God I was reminded of the Psalmist who wrote in Psalms 92 that the believer is "planted" in the courts of the Lord and that it is there that he/she will flourish and find rest and prosperity. Too many times we allow challenges to uproot us and shake our foundation. However, if we are steadfast and are nurtured by the Word of God we shall be unmovable. Stay focused, face your challenges head on and remain grounded even if its a "Windy Day".

Psalm 92:13 Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God