Monday, February 27, 2012

Making "IT" happen

What is "IT"? I.T. is an acronym for INTEGRITY and TRUTH. Jesus said that we must know the truth and the truth will "make" us free. I wanna take this oportunity to send a "shout out" to the FIRST PRIORITY CLUB at William T. Dwyer High School for making I.T. happen. The students in this Christian Club had invited me to their club meetings over the past two weeks and have literally blown me away with their passion for Christ and their faith. The in-depth questions they have asked regarding growing in their relationship with Christ has been encouraging. To this end I believe they have demonstrated much courage in asking tough questions. Questions that encourage integrity in our daily lives and a desire for the truth of God's word. Developing integrity is being accountable to someone and applying the truth of God's word to our lives even when it hurts to make the change. That's "IT" in a nutshell!

John 8:32. Then you will know the truth and the truth will make you free.