Friday, February 15, 2013

Thank God For Love

As this is the month of LOVE, it does not escape me that many of us look at love in a totally wrong context and in turn we LOVE ineffectively.

The only mirror that we can use for true LOVE is the one that Christ paints for us in the bible.  It is also fair to say that it is one of the hardest standards to live up to, however if we continue in the faith, our lives should show the transformation of how we handle this delicate and imperative part of our lives and Christian walk.

When looking at LOVE we must go to 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 and start with "charity suffereth long" meaning LOVE is patient.

Just saying those three words takes some introspection. Spend some time today reading 1 Corinthians chapter 13 and really start to reflect on the way in which you LOVE in your own life.

Share you faith..........Jesus is KING, Jesus is LORD 'til the whole world hears.

Read and comment on the blog and share it with your network. We plant the seed and the Lord waters and adds increase.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Vessel


So today was not the best day...............hey they don't all have to be! What's most important is that God is in the vessel therefore the vessel will not fail.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!!!!!!

Well, what can  I say? 2012 is in the history books and it was a year of challenges and surprises. I do want to send a BIG shout out & thanks to everyone who supported JiKJiL in 2012 and continue to do so. We are excited about the prospects for 2013 and  look forward to new and exciting products as we expand the JiKJiL brand and share the message of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. So keep on sharing your faith and tellin' it "Til the whole world hears"......Jesus is KING, Jesus is LORD. 

Yours Truly,

Friday, December 14, 2012


“No one knows the day or the hour” (Matt 24:36) DOES NOT APPLY FOREVER. But rest assured that all the hype that has been building on the end of the Mayan calendar scheduled for next Friday 12/21/12 is just that……hype. For all we may know, the world or “end of the age” (see Matt 28:20) as Jesus accurately identifies it) may occur today, tonight or tomorrow. Tomorrow is not a guarantee for anyone. “Today is the day of salvation.” (2 Cor 6:2). So whether the world ends today, tonight or tomorrow……..I’M READY and hope you are too. Have a great weekend!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

True Friend(s)....What kind of friend are you? (Reposted)

True Friend(s)....What kind of friend are you? A true friend is as refreshing as a running stream. Yesterday, my wife and I took an impromptu road trip and drove 2 1/2 hours to visit a couple who are our friends. We have not seen them in more than 5 months and really wanted to spend some time together. There is a difference between knowing someone very well and being a true friend. The greatest evidence of true friendship is loyalty--being able to love at all times and available to help in times of distress and personal struggle. The most admirable character(s) in the Bible that demonstrated these qualities other than Jesus Christ was Jonathan and David (see 1Samuel 18-20). Jonathan demonstrated true friendship/loyalty by exposing his father's (Saul) intention to kill his friend David whom God had chosen to become King over Israel. Jonathan could have chosen to entertain personal aspirations of becoming King considering he was a potential successor. Instead, he valued his frienship more than his personal aspirations. Too many people are fair-weather friends. They stick around when the friendship helps them and leave when they are not getting anything out of the relationship. Today, think of your friends and assess your loyalty to them. Exercise wisdom and be the kind of true friend the Bible encourages. Go visit a true friend! Proverbs 17:17 A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need. (New Living Translation)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mediocrity Kills

Change your mindset and you would be surprised how mediocrity no longer has any place in your life.  Some of the things we have heard, seen and done in our life thus far have formed an impression in our minds that it is alright to live without purpose and rain on other people with negativity.  It is not alright.  Regardless of where we started it is our responsibility to determine to be "better", no matter what area that affects. This positive change can bring about tremendous increase in your life and the lives of the people around you!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What time is your apointment?

I must confess that I often make my best attempt to be early for my appointments, but end up being late. However, there is one appointment that I cannot miss. This is the appointment with death. Our time on the earth has been predetermined and we cannot escape the cold hands of death when it comes. Equally as important is not only when we die, but how we die. Will you experience death with the comfort of knowing Christ personally as your Lord and Savior or will you succumb to breathing your last breath with eternity hanging on the scale on uncertainty? Christ conquered Death and Hell so that we can experience the warmth of his love and the assurance in knowing that we will live with him forever. How will you die? Your appointment await you!

Hebrew 9:27 "It appointed unto men once to die, and after this comes the judgment."