Friday, February 15, 2013

Thank God For Love

As this is the month of LOVE, it does not escape me that many of us look at love in a totally wrong context and in turn we LOVE ineffectively.

The only mirror that we can use for true LOVE is the one that Christ paints for us in the bible.  It is also fair to say that it is one of the hardest standards to live up to, however if we continue in the faith, our lives should show the transformation of how we handle this delicate and imperative part of our lives and Christian walk.

When looking at LOVE we must go to 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 and start with "charity suffereth long" meaning LOVE is patient.

Just saying those three words takes some introspection. Spend some time today reading 1 Corinthians chapter 13 and really start to reflect on the way in which you LOVE in your own life.

Share you faith..........Jesus is KING, Jesus is LORD 'til the whole world hears.

Read and comment on the blog and share it with your network. We plant the seed and the Lord waters and adds increase.

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