Saturday, January 28, 2012

What's the big deal about yesterday?

O.k......So what's the big deal about yesterday? Well, if you are fortunate to still be among the living then you too have a a reason to be excited about yesterday. 'Yesterday' is important to me because I remember where God has brought me from and I can recall the countless ways in which he has made the difference in my life. Yesterday I had the opportunity to meet Papa San,now a minister of the gospel but was once a popular reggae artist (even more popular now) from Jamaica. His testimony of what God has done in his life and how he has been changed is inspiring. Many of us have experienced the lifegiving transformation that is accomplished in a relationship with Christ; and can attest that we are not who we were yesterday. What I've become today is because of what I overcame yesterday. God has been a great deliverer and I'm grateful for the change he has orchestrated in my life. Truly "If any man be in Christ he is a new creature; all things are passed away and behold all things are become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17)Thank God for yesterday!

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