Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Listen to these powerful words from Jesus, "Do not fear, only believe and she will be well." What does it take to believe? Often times fear paralyze us and leave us stuck in a mindless state of inaction. As a result, sickness lingers, passion disappears, our drive dissipates, and death then overtake us (this may not necessarily be physical) and the purpose for which we were created is not fulfilled. But I declare today that I will NO LONGER be held hosatge by fear or doubt. I will activate my faith and believe. I will doubt my DOUBTS and BELIEVE my beliefs. The worst that can happen is that I could resume my posture of unbelief and inaction and get what I've always gotten which was NOTHING. Activate your faith today and believe in the God of the WORD. You have the POWER to conquer impossible......ONLY BELIEVE. What will you believe today?

Luke 8:50 "Do not fear, only believe and she will be well."

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Whole Truth......

I have discovered that "truth" sometimes gets lost in the judicial process. People are wrongfully convicted for crimes that they did not commit and the truth is often obscured. However, "truth" can only be obscured for a while before it is discovered. It must be searched for intentionally by those who are it's seekers. Nothing must be taken at face value and the inquisitive nature of our being must be unleashed in this discovery. In the book of Acts, the people of Berea were thus inquisitive and investigative in verfying the teaching of the Apostle Paul by searching the scriptures for themselves and discovering if what he was teaching them was the "truth". Search the word of God for yourself, and in it you will not only discover the beauty and majesty of an awesome God, but you'll discover the truth that his love for you is unfailing.

Acts 17:11 They received the word with eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Keep getting Up

This devotional was so inspiring that I decided to copy it to my blog.

So how many times have you fallen down, yet your inner resilience and God's unfailing grace kept lifting you up and you would NOT give up? Well, the reason you haven't given up is because your resilience comes from God. 'Your passions come from God. If you follow them, you will always get back up after a fall. However,if you follow a path devoid of passion, not only are you ignoring God's message to you but you are likely to fall quickly and permanently. Are you working on things that you're truly passionate about? Maybe it's time to review the list of projects you're involved in.

Proverbs 24:16. "The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked.