Friday, September 30, 2011

Tomorrow May Never Come

Got plans for tomorrow? Recently I've been reminiscing about my high school years and had the opportunity to work in that same setting again. As I observed the students at a local high school and even engaged a few of them in conversation, it dawned on me that so much of our focus is gazed toward the future that we sometimes neglect to live in the moment. The dominant consensus among the students was a preoccupation towards leaving high school and going to college. Now I'm not knocking being prepared for the future nor am I making light of setting goals. However, what I am saying is that we must be mindful that tomorrow is not promised to any of us and that we must put our "best foot forward" in living out our "today". I was a very good student in college, but as I reflect I am convinced that I could have been a better student in high school. There were some missed opportunities. Though I have no regrets, it is a helpful reminder in the present to remind myself to live out my best "today". Jesus said in Matthew 6:34 "Take no thought for tomorrow, sufficient are the challenges of today." Life is a race against time. Time is the arch-enemy of NOW. So capture the moment, seize "today" because tomorrow may never come. Have a great weekend!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Seeing Christ in the storm

I am back! Thanks for following the JiKJiL blog as I hope that you'll be inspired by the word of God in strengthening your faith in Christ.

Have you ever encountered a sudden, unexpected storm (i.e a snowstorm, rainstorm, windstorm or a tornado)? What was your immediate reaction? Do you recall how you handled it? Storms can bring with them much disaster and can disrupt the routine of daily life. However, there are other types of storms that can affect our lives and wreak havoc. Some of these are spiritual, emotional and psychological storms, just to name a few. Unwelcoming as they often times are, storms serve their purpose. It is very important for us to identify the origin and purpose of the storms in our life before we get "bent out of shape". The common tendency for believers is to "pray away" and rebuke the storms that they encounter without identifying its origin or purpose. It is true that nothing happens in the life of the believer by accident. This is so because Paul writes in Romans chapter 8 that "All things work together for good to those who are the called according to his purpose." Therefore, even the storms in our lives have a purpose; and it is in these storms that our characters are formed and strengthened as God unveils his purpose and design for each of us.
In the book of Matthew Chapter 14 the disciples encountered a storm as they were traveling to "the other side". During this journey they encountered a storm that nearly tore their boat to shreds. Does that sound like a situation or experience that you had to go through? Well, not only did the storm (the wind and water from the sea) nearly destroy their boat, but they were also afraid and were not able to identify Jesus walking on the water as he approached their boat.
It is important to identify within the storms that we encounter the lesson that Christ wants us to see and learn. In every problem that we face, in every disappointment and difficulty that we encounter our prayer must be-- "Lord, show me Jesus". When we are able to see Jesus in the midst of our storm all our fears will be relieved. Jesus is able to "walk" on the very source of our trouble and brings "peace" to our situation. Are you in a storm right now? Do not doubt, just look for Jesus.

Matthew 14:32 And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Happiness? What is it? Can it be truly achieved? Everyone if asked can reflect on a moment in their life where there was a joyous occasion being celebrated that made them feel excited. Most times this excitement and euphoria is short lived and we find ourselves looking for the "next thing", the next event to replicate this feeling all over again. But what if I told you that you could experience an unrelenting, unquenchable, never-ending state of happiness. Would you want it? So much of what we think about, the things we like or dislike, what we buy or don't buy is so heavily influenced by western culture and the media. However, if we were to stop and think independently of the cultural influences and bombardment of our commercialized existence I believe that a new perspective could be gained.

During this past week I spent a lot of time with my family playing with the children, talking and laughing with my wife about the silliest stuff and just enjoying the simple things like breakfast by the window. And what I discovered is that true happiness is an appreciation for wherever you find yourself. It is a sense of gratitude and contentment for being able to just breathe. Unfortunately, it is a sad reality for many who think that the ultimate value and worth of their life is based on the accumulation of material possessions.

On the contrary, many of us have witnessed countless people whose wealth and status did not help them achieve happiness; but instead their lives were destroyed with all types of illicit behavior and the quest for more. In Luke 12:15 Jesus discloses a similar truth to two quarreling brothers. He says "A mans life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions".

True happiness is being content. Without Christ we will always be seeking the "next thing" in the pursuit of happiness; but will always find that "next thing" lacking. Remember, "Godliness with contentment is great gain". True happiness is only a thought away. Find an appreciation for those who are around you and for the material possessions that you already have. If it's a house then paint it or move around the furniture. Spend some time washing your own car if you have one. Take yourself for an early morning walk, breathe a breath of fresh air and thank God for your legs. Laugh at yourself and share the joke with someone you love. You'll be well on your way to finding true happiness.

Psalm 40:4 Happy is the man that trust in the Lord.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

You Be the Judge

So here's the thought for the evening just in case anyone might remotely be interested. Is it possible to be in Christ and not produce fruit? To produce fruit simply means that the life of a believer reflects the godly character of Christ in our daily conduct and lifestyle as we interact with believers and non-believers alike. To bluntly answer the question I'll just reiterate Jesus' reply to his disciples as he engaged them in conversation concerning this very issue (see John 15). He says " I am the true vine, and my father is the husbandman (caretaker). Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he taketh away." What? Did he say the branch "in me" is taken away? If this is the case, then the question must be asked. Where is he "taking" these non-producing branches?

Friends, before I clue you in to the outcome for this non-producing class; let me say a few things. First, Jesus clearly states that he is the "true" vine. This suggest that there are other vines that look like the real thing or that there are other vines pretending to be the "true" vine but are only impostors. Secondly, believers have a responsibility to demonstrate godly lives (i.e producing fruit) as a part of the body of Christ. Thirdly, the most crucial understanding to be digested from this parable is that Jesus seems to hint at the fact that there are so-called believers (fakes) who are just along for the ride. These lack commitment to discipleship and are merely band waggoners. They have no substance and at the least sign of trouble will become defectors.

In light of this understanding, the litmus test or standard on which we must evaluate non-fruit bearers is the bible or the word of God.

Now there are those who will in haste decry this argument as being judgemental or "judging" others. However, the bible does not forbid believers from evaluating other believers or "judging" others which is the common terminology used. Instead, believers are to judge righteously and without being hypocrites(Matthew 7:1-5). This is what the bible speaks against which is hypocritical judgement not merely passing judgement. The Christian is to carefully evaluate and choose between good and bad people and things.

One of the fruit that a true believer produces is obedience to Christ (John 15:4). This is the litmus test of genuine discipleship. A pseudo-believer that does not produce the fruit of righteousness and godly living in obedience to Christ is "taken away". The branches that do not bear fruit, Jesus says "he taketh away" and they are "cast into the fire, and they are burned". This my friends is the judgement and subsequent condemnation for those who do not produce fruit; those who lives are not evidenced by godly living. Take it or leave it....just a thought for your consideration.

John 15: 1-2 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away:

Monday, September 12, 2011

"How Do You Eat Goodness"

As I get older I'm appreciative of the opportunity to be surrounded by children and teens. The church where I fellowship and lead the youth ministry has a weekly program aptly called Friday Night Live. It is a program for youth of all ages to engage each other and grow in a positive Christian environment. This past Friday during a bible quiz/trivia, the subject of producing spiritual fruit came into question. It was at this moment as we briefly discussed the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy peace, long suffering, goodness etc.) that one of my teens turned to me and asked "How do you eat goodness?".
Needless to say, I couldn't help myself as I burst into laughter and thought about the simplicity yet absolute profundity of the question. This brings me to my thought for the day: What kind of fruit are we producing for others to eat? Jesus said, "I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit" (John 15:1). Everyday that we have the opportunity to open our eyes and interact with people, we are feeding them the produce from our spiritual garden. How is your spiritual garden being cultivated or cared for? Is it full of weeds? Has it been watered and given some type of fertilizer or nutrients for your tree to grow so that your branch may produce fruit?
How we treat others, whether with disdain and disregard or with love and respect; how we respond to those in need is in essence allowing others to eat of the fruit produced in our garden. Each of us have the responsibility to impact the lives of others. This will occur willingly or unintentionally because we interact with people on a daily basis. As the saying goes "No man is an Island". When we are connected to the "true vine" which is Christ and are developed in producing the fruit of the Spirit, then the lives of the people we interact with will be positively influenced as they experience the love of Christ through us.
In stark contrast, if we are not connected to the "true vine" then the only other possible outcome is the demonstration or the produce that comes from the "works of the flesh" (See Galatians 5:19-21). These are adultery, fornication, jealousy, hatred , envy, strife etc. We are not responsible for how people respond to us, but we are responsible for how we respond to them. However, the way in which we respond is without question determined by the nurturing our tree has received. Take some time today and evaluate how you're treating the people with whom you come in contact.

Galatians 5:22 But the fuit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Are you ready for the chase?

Does anyone remember chasing the ice-cream truck as a kid? Ah man! Maybe you were in the house cleaning up or doing some chore that you had forgotten to do and waited till the last minute to get it done. Or maybe you were in the park or on the street playing with your friends when you heard that chime, that heart stirring music playing two three blocks away. Whatever it was that you were doing became suspended in time as you gathered your mental bearing and dropped whatever you were doing to go and get your money to buy your favorite treat.

For some people, looking for their money in that "secret" hiding place was a challenge because they had to dig through books, old clothes, lift up the bed, just to name a few spot where our deposit was safe and secure. For others borrowing money (begging and squirming for some people) from a parent or a relative that was home, and getting it in a timely manner was crucial because without them, buying our favorite treat would have been down right impossible.......if we were able to catch the ice cream man before he drove off.

The ice cream man driving off was one of the worst things that could happen to anyone who was determined to get a treat. However, it is this careless abandon to accomplish the goal of buying a treat from the ice cream truck that so mirrors what Jesus said to his disciples. In Matthew 16:24 Jesus said unto his disciples, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me". The phrase "come after me" implies a chase. It is abandoning or leaving behind everything that previously captivated one's attention. It is going to great lengths to do what it takes in order to achieve the desired goal. It is a commitment, a dedication, a "no matter what" kind of attitude.

I remember with much laughter some of my friends who were at various times in this very predicament. I delighted with uncontrollable glee to see one of them rushing out of the house, trying to get that jammed screen door open and taking off, running down the street, chasing the ice cream truck; only to see the driver coming to a halt and my friend gasping for air and trying to catch their breath. Following Jesus requires commitment, dedication and careless abandon. Are you ready for the chase?

Matthew 16:24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

But God.....

"It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord". Everyday that I have the opportunity to exhale and enjoy the gift of life, I am more appreciative of God's grace in having kept me alive and sane throughout the years. You might be wondering why I used the word 'sane' as if I would have gone crazy. Infact, the truth is that 'going crazy' is the least that could have happened to me. God's grace is so amazing in saving and restoring us, but the enemy would have us to believe other wise.
If it were not for God's grace in saving and restoring us, the mistakes that we made in our past would have swallowed us alive. The sheer guilt, pain and feelings of unworthiness would have been enough to dig our graves and throw us in it. And the enemy, our adversary, Satan, the deceiver from the beginning, that old wicked one would have been satisfied to see us destroyed. And here's the bad part:WE WERE GUILTY. But God, who is rich in mercy and love; that great loved with which he has loved us did not forget about us. He was fully aware of our flaws and knew the mistakes that we would make. Therefore, he had already devised a plan for our rescue by sending his only son to die for our sins. What has happenned in the past has helped to shape our lives, but does not define who we are. "If any man is in Christ, he is a new creation". Find rest and comfort today in the arms of a true friend, Jesus Christ our Lord. And if the enemy reminds you of your past failures, mistakes and "mess ups", just tell him "BUT GOD"!

Ephesians 2:4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us.

Friday, September 2, 2011

It is for a specific time

Everything has its season and NOTHING happens before the time. Nature reveals the very essence and definition of a season. They are Spring, Summer, Autumn (Fall) and Winter. In each season we are afforded the opportunity of experiencing the wonder and beauty that nature has to offer. However, none of the season's continue uninterrupted, as this would violate its very definition. Each season is subject to a specific length of time and nature is kept in balance. In the very same way, our lives are kept in balance as we experience the many stages we go through.
I believe that this perspective offer some clues by which we are able to make sense of our lives. Life is a mixed bag and every experience must run its course as does each season. The good and the bad; the laughter and the tears; the successes and the failures, the valleys and the summits are all a part of what makes life--LIFE.
We enjoy the season of Spring as our lives blossom with the possibilities and anticipation of the fruit of our labor. Summer is effervescent as we brim with confidence and bask in the sunlight of its reward. However, as the previous two seasons indicated, change is imminent. The warm air of Summer will soon give way to the crisp cool breeze of Autumn. The leaves will begin to fall and the shade provided by its canopy will disappear. Not too long after, the harsh reality of winter will set in as the shorter days and longer nights allow for rest and reflection. Life is constantly being impacted by change. But, nothing happens before it's time; and when it does, it will not continue uninterrupted. Your struggles must come to an end. Your drought must give way to rain. God has set your deliverance for a specific time and season. Take a deep breath. Exhale. Your appointment is near.

Galatians 4:4 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Expiring Soon

You will expire. Maybe you have looked at life from this vantage point. If not, then indulge me for a moment. Did you know that your date of expiration is fast approaching? Yesterday, as I drove home from school I noticed a mantra posted on the marquee of a local church which read "ASPIRE to INSPIRE before you EXPIRE." Then later that afternoon I had a conversation with a friend about an incident that occurred while on his lunch break at work. My friend explained that he had gone to Subway earlier in the day and was shocked to discover that the coupons that he was saving for a "hungry" day had expired. Now because I know that there are no coincidences I pondered to myself---What I am to learn from these convergent experiences? Everything in our natural existence is subject to time and will soon pass. Coupons, warranties and food products are not the only things that have expiration dates, but people do too. Hebrew 9:27 says "And as it is appointed unto men once to die and after this cometh judgement." If there is one thing that is for certain, it is death. Is it your smile, or a word of encouragement that will make a difference? You only have 'ONE LIFE TO LIVE'. So take a minute to make a meaningful and positive difference in someones life today. It may mean the world to them. "Aspire to inspire before you expire."