Monday, September 26, 2011

Seeing Christ in the storm

I am back! Thanks for following the JiKJiL blog as I hope that you'll be inspired by the word of God in strengthening your faith in Christ.

Have you ever encountered a sudden, unexpected storm (i.e a snowstorm, rainstorm, windstorm or a tornado)? What was your immediate reaction? Do you recall how you handled it? Storms can bring with them much disaster and can disrupt the routine of daily life. However, there are other types of storms that can affect our lives and wreak havoc. Some of these are spiritual, emotional and psychological storms, just to name a few. Unwelcoming as they often times are, storms serve their purpose. It is very important for us to identify the origin and purpose of the storms in our life before we get "bent out of shape". The common tendency for believers is to "pray away" and rebuke the storms that they encounter without identifying its origin or purpose. It is true that nothing happens in the life of the believer by accident. This is so because Paul writes in Romans chapter 8 that "All things work together for good to those who are the called according to his purpose." Therefore, even the storms in our lives have a purpose; and it is in these storms that our characters are formed and strengthened as God unveils his purpose and design for each of us.
In the book of Matthew Chapter 14 the disciples encountered a storm as they were traveling to "the other side". During this journey they encountered a storm that nearly tore their boat to shreds. Does that sound like a situation or experience that you had to go through? Well, not only did the storm (the wind and water from the sea) nearly destroy their boat, but they were also afraid and were not able to identify Jesus walking on the water as he approached their boat.
It is important to identify within the storms that we encounter the lesson that Christ wants us to see and learn. In every problem that we face, in every disappointment and difficulty that we encounter our prayer must be-- "Lord, show me Jesus". When we are able to see Jesus in the midst of our storm all our fears will be relieved. Jesus is able to "walk" on the very source of our trouble and brings "peace" to our situation. Are you in a storm right now? Do not doubt, just look for Jesus.

Matthew 14:32 And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased.

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