Friday, September 30, 2011

Tomorrow May Never Come

Got plans for tomorrow? Recently I've been reminiscing about my high school years and had the opportunity to work in that same setting again. As I observed the students at a local high school and even engaged a few of them in conversation, it dawned on me that so much of our focus is gazed toward the future that we sometimes neglect to live in the moment. The dominant consensus among the students was a preoccupation towards leaving high school and going to college. Now I'm not knocking being prepared for the future nor am I making light of setting goals. However, what I am saying is that we must be mindful that tomorrow is not promised to any of us and that we must put our "best foot forward" in living out our "today". I was a very good student in college, but as I reflect I am convinced that I could have been a better student in high school. There were some missed opportunities. Though I have no regrets, it is a helpful reminder in the present to remind myself to live out my best "today". Jesus said in Matthew 6:34 "Take no thought for tomorrow, sufficient are the challenges of today." Life is a race against time. Time is the arch-enemy of NOW. So capture the moment, seize "today" because tomorrow may never come. Have a great weekend!

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