Friday, September 16, 2011


Happiness? What is it? Can it be truly achieved? Everyone if asked can reflect on a moment in their life where there was a joyous occasion being celebrated that made them feel excited. Most times this excitement and euphoria is short lived and we find ourselves looking for the "next thing", the next event to replicate this feeling all over again. But what if I told you that you could experience an unrelenting, unquenchable, never-ending state of happiness. Would you want it? So much of what we think about, the things we like or dislike, what we buy or don't buy is so heavily influenced by western culture and the media. However, if we were to stop and think independently of the cultural influences and bombardment of our commercialized existence I believe that a new perspective could be gained.

During this past week I spent a lot of time with my family playing with the children, talking and laughing with my wife about the silliest stuff and just enjoying the simple things like breakfast by the window. And what I discovered is that true happiness is an appreciation for wherever you find yourself. It is a sense of gratitude and contentment for being able to just breathe. Unfortunately, it is a sad reality for many who think that the ultimate value and worth of their life is based on the accumulation of material possessions.

On the contrary, many of us have witnessed countless people whose wealth and status did not help them achieve happiness; but instead their lives were destroyed with all types of illicit behavior and the quest for more. In Luke 12:15 Jesus discloses a similar truth to two quarreling brothers. He says "A mans life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions".

True happiness is being content. Without Christ we will always be seeking the "next thing" in the pursuit of happiness; but will always find that "next thing" lacking. Remember, "Godliness with contentment is great gain". True happiness is only a thought away. Find an appreciation for those who are around you and for the material possessions that you already have. If it's a house then paint it or move around the furniture. Spend some time washing your own car if you have one. Take yourself for an early morning walk, breathe a breath of fresh air and thank God for your legs. Laugh at yourself and share the joke with someone you love. You'll be well on your way to finding true happiness.

Psalm 40:4 Happy is the man that trust in the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Very simply and pointedly put! I am happy today!
