Friday, September 2, 2011

It is for a specific time

Everything has its season and NOTHING happens before the time. Nature reveals the very essence and definition of a season. They are Spring, Summer, Autumn (Fall) and Winter. In each season we are afforded the opportunity of experiencing the wonder and beauty that nature has to offer. However, none of the season's continue uninterrupted, as this would violate its very definition. Each season is subject to a specific length of time and nature is kept in balance. In the very same way, our lives are kept in balance as we experience the many stages we go through.
I believe that this perspective offer some clues by which we are able to make sense of our lives. Life is a mixed bag and every experience must run its course as does each season. The good and the bad; the laughter and the tears; the successes and the failures, the valleys and the summits are all a part of what makes life--LIFE.
We enjoy the season of Spring as our lives blossom with the possibilities and anticipation of the fruit of our labor. Summer is effervescent as we brim with confidence and bask in the sunlight of its reward. However, as the previous two seasons indicated, change is imminent. The warm air of Summer will soon give way to the crisp cool breeze of Autumn. The leaves will begin to fall and the shade provided by its canopy will disappear. Not too long after, the harsh reality of winter will set in as the shorter days and longer nights allow for rest and reflection. Life is constantly being impacted by change. But, nothing happens before it's time; and when it does, it will not continue uninterrupted. Your struggles must come to an end. Your drought must give way to rain. God has set your deliverance for a specific time and season. Take a deep breath. Exhale. Your appointment is near.

Galatians 4:4 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law.

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