Wednesday, September 14, 2011

You Be the Judge

So here's the thought for the evening just in case anyone might remotely be interested. Is it possible to be in Christ and not produce fruit? To produce fruit simply means that the life of a believer reflects the godly character of Christ in our daily conduct and lifestyle as we interact with believers and non-believers alike. To bluntly answer the question I'll just reiterate Jesus' reply to his disciples as he engaged them in conversation concerning this very issue (see John 15). He says " I am the true vine, and my father is the husbandman (caretaker). Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he taketh away." What? Did he say the branch "in me" is taken away? If this is the case, then the question must be asked. Where is he "taking" these non-producing branches?

Friends, before I clue you in to the outcome for this non-producing class; let me say a few things. First, Jesus clearly states that he is the "true" vine. This suggest that there are other vines that look like the real thing or that there are other vines pretending to be the "true" vine but are only impostors. Secondly, believers have a responsibility to demonstrate godly lives (i.e producing fruit) as a part of the body of Christ. Thirdly, the most crucial understanding to be digested from this parable is that Jesus seems to hint at the fact that there are so-called believers (fakes) who are just along for the ride. These lack commitment to discipleship and are merely band waggoners. They have no substance and at the least sign of trouble will become defectors.

In light of this understanding, the litmus test or standard on which we must evaluate non-fruit bearers is the bible or the word of God.

Now there are those who will in haste decry this argument as being judgemental or "judging" others. However, the bible does not forbid believers from evaluating other believers or "judging" others which is the common terminology used. Instead, believers are to judge righteously and without being hypocrites(Matthew 7:1-5). This is what the bible speaks against which is hypocritical judgement not merely passing judgement. The Christian is to carefully evaluate and choose between good and bad people and things.

One of the fruit that a true believer produces is obedience to Christ (John 15:4). This is the litmus test of genuine discipleship. A pseudo-believer that does not produce the fruit of righteousness and godly living in obedience to Christ is "taken away". The branches that do not bear fruit, Jesus says "he taketh away" and they are "cast into the fire, and they are burned". This my friends is the judgement and subsequent condemnation for those who do not produce fruit; those who lives are not evidenced by godly living. Take it or leave it....just a thought for your consideration.

John 15: 1-2 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away:

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