Thursday, September 1, 2011

Expiring Soon

You will expire. Maybe you have looked at life from this vantage point. If not, then indulge me for a moment. Did you know that your date of expiration is fast approaching? Yesterday, as I drove home from school I noticed a mantra posted on the marquee of a local church which read "ASPIRE to INSPIRE before you EXPIRE." Then later that afternoon I had a conversation with a friend about an incident that occurred while on his lunch break at work. My friend explained that he had gone to Subway earlier in the day and was shocked to discover that the coupons that he was saving for a "hungry" day had expired. Now because I know that there are no coincidences I pondered to myself---What I am to learn from these convergent experiences? Everything in our natural existence is subject to time and will soon pass. Coupons, warranties and food products are not the only things that have expiration dates, but people do too. Hebrew 9:27 says "And as it is appointed unto men once to die and after this cometh judgement." If there is one thing that is for certain, it is death. Is it your smile, or a word of encouragement that will make a difference? You only have 'ONE LIFE TO LIVE'. So take a minute to make a meaningful and positive difference in someones life today. It may mean the world to them. "Aspire to inspire before you expire."

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