Tuesday, August 30, 2011

" 'EYE' can help you with that"

Reflection and meditation can be very insightful. Today as I reflected on my morning, I was reminded of an incident of where I had an eyelash in my left eye. The irritating experience of having a foreign particle in one's eye reveals our frailty and dependence on someone greater than ourselves. Is it not amazing that something so small can cause such discomfort? Even more amazing to me is the fact that sometimes I fail to ask God for his help in the smallest, most seemingly insignificant situations in my life. But I have discovered that there are no insignificant areas or compartments of my life. I need to be completely dependent on the Lord for everything because He sustains my life.
Acts 17:28 says "for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, 'For we also are His children'". The irony of this passage is that when the details of our lives are brought into consideration, it might be shocking to discover after careful evaluation that we sometimes bring the "big stuff" to God to solve and attempt to handle the "little stuff" on our own. Realistically speaking, I am not going to ask God to literally take an eyelash out of my eye. However, I am humbly aware that if he is not gracious in providing me with strength in my mental faculties and coordinating my bodily functions with my brain, then it will be a monumental task in removing that irritating eyelash on my own. God is honored and receives much glory when His children call upon Him. It deepens our relationship with Him and reassures us of His nearness to His children. What do you need help with today? Call on the name of the Lord and trust that he will come to your rescue.

Acts 17:28 "for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, 'for we also are His children'"

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