Friday, August 19, 2011

Believing the Promise

God is still good........and his promises are not a lie (beLIEve). I am beginning today's entry with this declaration because with every breath- taking opportunity that I'm given I realize that gratitude must be my posture regardless of the situation in which I find myself. Yesterday, I had a follow up interview for a coveted position at a local finance company and felt very confident about my presentation. Also, I was one of  3 final candidates being considered for the position, but learned today that I did not land the job. However, I was not disappointed because the Lord had already prepared me with a comforting word from Psalms 27 in my devotional time 4 days ago. In addition, I am still confident that God's promise for abundance (see John 10:10) will be experienced in it's fullness while I have breath and strength. Moreover, I DO NOT WANT FOR MYSELF WHAT GOD DOES NOT WANT FOR ME. I am writing this declaration in bold type because I am firm in this regard. David expressed in the psalm that he almost gave up. The reason he did not give up was because he remembered and held tight to God's promise to bless his house (See 2 Samuel 7:28-29). God has made some promises to you. So open the treasure trove of his word and discover them. And when the times of challenge, discomfort, frustration and whatever else may come in your path you'll be able to hold your ground. The mighty oak tree today is the nut that held its ground yesterday. God is still good! Have a great weekend and be safe.

Psalm 27:13 I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.

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