Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Finding Strength in Waiting

It is said that patience is a virtue; and waiting is synonymous with patience. But, honestly speaking--how many of us lack this basic quality that is absolutely essential for life? So many of our mistakes could have been avoided if only we possessed the courage to wait. That guy or girl to whom you said "i do" and eventually divorced, that business decision that went sour, the car that was repossessed, the friend who lied on you and is no longer your BFF, could have all been avoided if some time were invested to evaluate that person or situation. In a culture where we have been so conditioned to getting everything or most of the things we want, I've discovered that patience is almost extinct. In fact, i think it should be placed on the "endangered species" list.  When we encounter obstacles, setbacks and difficulties, it is God's way of saying "seek me for direction". It is not to deny you of your desires, because what God has for you is for you. However, these things occur and are necessary for developing your Christian character. How else would you be able to share the experience of God's power at work in your life? So don't be discouraged when things don't go as planned. Wait on the Lord!
Remember, waiting on the Lord allows us the opportunity to see the wisdom of God at work in allowing certain things to happen or disallowing certain things from happening in our lives.

 Psalms 27:14 Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

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