Thursday, August 25, 2011

Who's on the throne of your heart?

The monarchical system was once a dominant form of government where one person had absolute rule and control. Historically, the notion of monarchy emerged out of tribal kingship with the Monarch bearing the title of King or Queen. Though this system of government is archaic and still exists in some parts of the world, the concept of dominance and absolute rule is also expressed in popular culture. Elvis was called the King of Rock n' Roll, Michael Jackson was the King of Pop, and NBA star Lebron James is called King James. In truth there are legitimate kings. There are those who rule kingdoms and subjects and there are self-proclaimed kings such as Elvis, Michael Jackson and Lebron James. But there is only one King of Kings and his name is Jesus Christ. The rule of all earthly kings, legitimate or self proclaimed must come to and end, but the Kingdom of Christ is eternal, ever existing. Who's on the throne of your heart? Whom have you proclaimed King? There's no one greater, no one more deserving of your loyalty and adoration than Jesus Christ. LIVE for HIM! Jesus is KING, Jesus is LORD.......JIKJIL!
Revelation 19:16 "On his robe and on his thigh is this name written: KINGS of KINGS and LORD of LORDS

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