Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Fruit of My Lips

Did you you know that the gateway to your heart are your eyes and your ears? What you listen to consistently and allow your mind to process on a regular basis will have a monumental impact on what you affirm or speak from your own mouth. Lets consider these words Jesus spoke as he addressed a group of self-righteous, religious individuals. He says "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" (Matthew 12:34). Our mouth is like an orchard or a vineyard that produces fruit. Every negative or positive affirmation that we've ever spoken (i.e fruit) has its origin in the orchard or vineyard of our mind. A good tree will produce good fruit; and likewise a bad tree will produce bad fruit. Are you always complaining instead of thanking God for the experiences and situation he has taken you through? Do you hang around people that are always negative, unfairly criticising others? I 've mentioned in a previous post that "words" are powerful and can change any situation. So ask yourself, what type of fruit are you producing? What are you allowing to influence your thoughts which then determines what you say? The fruit of your lips must be a SACRIFICE of praise in giving God thanks--in everything. That's not an ordinary praise. It's a PRAISE that cost you something in demonstration of your passion in pleasing God. It's a sacrifice. Be careful little mouth what you say!

 By him (Jesus) therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.  Hebrew 13:15

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