Monday, August 15, 2011

Prepare for Rain

During the last week I realized that Florida is called the sunshine state for a reason. It has been hot and extremely humid. For the past several months it has been unseasonably dry as the entire State has been experiencing a drought. As a result, water restrictions have been enforced; the ponds, lakes, and streams are at record lows and we have been desperate for rain. Moreover, I have been praying and wanting the skies to open up and rain uncontrollably. However, I wasn't prepared for what I prayed for. On Saturday evening I ventured out to the grocery store less than 1/2 mile from home; and before I was even finished shopping I heard the noise of thunder and what sounded like rain. Surprisingly as I made my way to exit the store I was greeted by a heavy shower of rain.Unprepared for rain and having no umbrella I ran to my car and got drenched. It was during this experience that I had an amazing discovery.
When we desire something and have prayed for it to happen, it is through our faith and in believing that we are able to see our prayers answered. However, if you've prayed in faith and are believing for an answer to your prayer, then you must be prepared to recieve it. You must be prepared to recieve what you've prayed for. Faith is not only expectation and anticipation, faith is preparation. The farmer does not wait for rain and then plant his seeds. No! He prepares his field by plowing it and getting it ready for planting. After he has prepared it, he then plants his seeds and wait for the rain. Have you prayed? Have you plowed? It's getting ready to rain!

James 2:18 But someone may say, "You have faith, and I have actions." Show me your faith without any actions, and I will show you my faith by my actions. International Standard Version

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